Friday, October 31, 2008

Java Programming Language Versions

Since its introduction, Sun has released a new version of the Java language every two years or so. These new versions brought enhancements, new capabilities and fixes to bugs. Until recently, the versions were numbered 1.x, where x reached up till 4. (Intermediate revisions were labeled with a third number - 1.x.y - as in 1.4.2.) The newest version, however, is called Java 5.0 rather than Java 1.5.

Below is a timeline of the different versions of the basic, or Standard Edition (SE), of Java along with some of the new features that each one introduced. This edition contains the core language packages (the name for code libraries in Java) and is aimed for desktop programming.

* 1995: Version 1.0 of the Java Development Kit (JDK) was released for free by Sun.
o 8 packages with 212 classes
o Netscape 2.0-4.0 included Java 1.0.
o Microsoft and other companies licensed Java.

* 1997: Version 1.1:
o 23 packages - 504 classes
o Improvements include better event handling, inner classes, improved JVM.
o Microsoft developed its own 1.1. compatible Java Virtual Machine for the Internet Explorer.
o Many browsers in use are still compatible only with 1.1.
o Swing packages of greatly improved graphics became available during this time but not included with the core language.

* 1999: Version 1.2, also called the Java 2 Platform
o 59 packages - 1520 classes
o Code and tools distributed as The Software Development Kit (SDK)
o Java Foundation Classes (JFC), based on Swing, for improved graphics and user interfaces, now included with the core language.
o Collections API included support for various lists, sets, and hash maps.

* 2000: Version 1.3:
o 76 packages - 1842 classes
o Performance enhancements including the Hotspot virtual machine.

* 2002: Version 1.4:
o 135 packages - 2991 classes
o Improved IO, XML support, etc.

* 2004: Version 5.0 (previously numbered 1.5):
o 165 packages, over 3000 classes
o Faster startup and smaller memory footprint
o Metadata
o Formatted output
o Generics
o Improved multithreading features

* 2006: Version 6.0
o Dramatic performance improvements for the core platform and Swing.
o Java Compiler API
o Improved Web Service support through JAX-WS
o JDBC 4.0 support
o Support for pluggable annotations
o Many GUI improvements, such as integration of SwingWorker in the API..etc

Java SE 6 Update 10 is meant as a major enhancement in terms of end-user usability. The release version is currently available for download. This version features

o Java Kernel, a small installer including only the most commonly used JRE classes.
o A new Swing look and feel called Nimbus and based on synth.
o Enhanced updater.
o Enhanced versioning and pack200 support: server-side support is no longer required.
o Java Quick Starter, to improve cold start-up time.

Java SE 7

Codename Dolphin. This is in the early planning and development stages. The Dolphin Project began in August 2006 and is tentatively scheduled for release in 2009.


History of Java Programming Language

Java is a programming language and environment invented by James Gosling and others in 1994. Java was originaly named Oak and was developed as a part of the Green project at the Sun Company. The writing of Java began in December of 1990. Patrick Naughton, Mike Sheridan, and James Gosling and were trying to figure out the "next wave" in computing.
Sun formally announced Java and HotJava at SunWorld `95. Soon after, Netscape Inc. announced that it would incorporate Java support in their browser. This was a great triumph for Java since it was now supported by the most popular browser in the world. Later, Microsoft also announced that they would support Java in their Internet Explorer web browser, further solidifying Java's role in the World Wide Web.
Java 1.0 was the first version. Java 1.1 added important changes to user interface management, and many important new classes were added (JDBC, JavaBeans, ...). Java 2 was released at the end of 1998 with important additions to many different parts of Java, but especially with an improved graphical user interface, and many additional packages.
Java 1.0 - 212 classes in 8 packages, released May 1996
Java 1.1 - 503 classes in 23 packages, released Feb 1997
Java 1.2/2.0 - 1,520 classes in 59 packages, released Dec 1998
Java 5.0 - 3562 classes in 166 packages.

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