EJB Home Interface & Remote Interface
EJB Home Interface
- The EJBHome object must implement the home interface.
- This interface contains the methods used by the clients to create and remove the instances of the EJB.
- The home interface is the client’s initial point of contact with your EJB components.
- For the client to access the EJB , an instance of the EJB is created from one or more create() methods of the Home interface.
- The ejbCreate() methods defined in the EJB must also be declared with matching signatures in the Home interface.
- Returns a reference to a EJB by creating or finding it.
EJB Remote Interface
- The EJBObject class must implement the remote interface.
- Once the client has used the home interface to gain access to EJB ,it uses this interface to invoke the business methods defined in the EJB class.
- Clients can never get a reference to the EJBs class , only the EJBObject class.
- The EJB container uses the remote interface for your bean to generate both the client-side stub and server-side proxy object that passes client calls to your EJB object.