Thursday, January 28, 2010

JDBC Java Program Using JDBC TYPE 3 Driver

A Sample Java Program Using JDBC TYPE 3 Driver. This driver is called as Network Protocol Pure Java Driver. This driver would only be the option when DB vendor supplied Type II & IV drivers are not available.



a) Install IDSServer software

b) d:\IDSServer\IDSS.exe

(The above said .exe runs as system startup service. IDSS.exe is a server socket program which runs on port number 12.)

c) Notice one more dir called


jdk11drv.jar, jdk13drv.jar, jdk14drv.jar

a) Client must demand server to download jdk14drv.jar file into client system and the same must be updated in CLASSPATH

[Note: Software installation is not required]

PATH: (only server)


CLASSPATH (server & client)



Driver: ids.driver.IDSDriver

URL: jdbc:ids://abc:12/conn?dsn='oracleSysDSN'

Procedure creation

c:> sqlplus scott/tiger

SQL> cle scr

sql> create or replace procedure emp_sal_proc(eno IN number, sal1 OUT number) IS


SELECT sal INTO sal1 FROM emp WHERE empno=eno;


// Java


import java.sql.*;
public class ProcExecTest


public static void main(String rags[]) throws Exception



='oracleSysDSN'", "scott", "tiger");
CallableStatement cstmt=con.prepareCall("{call emp_sal_proc(?,?)}");

cstmt.setInt(1, Integer.parseInt(rags[0]));

cstmt.registerOutParameter(2, Types.DOUBLE);





}// main()

}// class


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hibernate Meta Model

The meta model is the model used by Hibernate core to perform its object relational mapping. The model includes information about tables, columns, classes, properties, components, values, collections etc. The API is in org.hibernate.mapping and its main entry point is the Configuration class, the same class that is used to build a session factory.

The model represented by the Configuration class can be build in many ways. The following list the currently supported ones in Hibernate Tools.

  • A Core configuration uses Hibernate Core and supports reading hbm.xml files, requires a hibernate.cfg.xml. Named core in Eclipse and <configuration> in ant.
  • A Annotation configuration uses Hibernate Annotations and supports hbm.xml and annotated classes, requires a hibernate.cfg.xml. Named annotations in Eclipse and <annotationconfiguration> in ant.
  • A JPA configuration uses a Hibernate EntityManager and supports hbm.xml and annotated classes requires that the project has a META-INF/persistence.xml in its classpath. Named JPA in Eclipse and <jpaconfiguration> in ant.
  • A JDBC configuration uses Hibernate Tools reverse engineering and reads its mappings via JDBC metadata + additional reverse engineering files (reveng.xml). Automatically used in Eclipse when doing reverse engineering from JDBC and named <jdbcconfiguration> in ant.
In most projects you will normally use only one of the Core, Annotation or JPA configuration and possibly the JDBC configuration if you are using the reverse engineering facilities of Hibernate Tools. The important thing to note is that no matter which Hibnerate Configuration type you are using Hibernate Tools supports them.

The code generation is done based on the Configuration model no matter which type of configuration have been used to create the meta model, and thus the code generation is independent on the source of the meta model and represented via Exporters.

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