Saturday, February 14, 2009


JavaBeans is a new component architecture for Sun's Java language. Like the language from which JavaBeans draws its name, it is portable across many platforms; any environment supporting a JDK 1.1 interpreter will be capable of using JavaBeans. JavaBeans offers the ability to write applications quickly and easily, by using a palette of components that can be assembled to form a larger application. User-interface components, such as trees, lists, or graphical buttons can make applications come alive, without the need for writing custom components for each and every application. Networking protocols can be encapsulated in a component, allowing developers to simply plug in email and web support into their applications. Literally any component you can imagine can be written as a JavaBean, and then plugged into an application.

  • JavaBeans support properties, allowing an application to read and modify their values.
  • JavaBeans support events, allowing vendors to create their own unique events.
  • JavaBeans support the BeanInfo interface, allowing vendors to specify exactly which properties and methods are available, and icons for beans which can be displayed on a toolbar.
  • JavaBeans are highly configurable, and the state of a bean can be saved and restored through 'serialization'.
JavaBeans have a significant competitive advantage over ActiveX - JavaBeans can be instantly converted into ActiveX controls via the bridge, but ActiveX controls cannot be easily converted into JavaBeans. JavaBeans also offer the security and robustness that developers have come to know and love, whereas ActiveX controls remain dangerous (despite the innovation of digital signatures), as they have low level access to features of the operating system. JavaBeans used in applets are bound by the same restrictions (file and network access) as their applet hosts, yet ActiveX controls that are signed have a much larger potential to wreak havoc on the system. Coupled with their lack of portability, ActiveX components have a smaller target audience, and there is a perception that they can be dangerous when executed indiscriminately from the web.

For the serious component vendor, or application developer, JavaBeans is an important new technology that must be learnt to stay ahead. ActiveX has its place, for now, but with the introduction of the JavaBeans Bridge, it would be prudent to learn the JavaBeans architecture while it remains in its infancy.


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