Java Code to Generate a Random Number
Sample Java Code to Generate a Random Number:
Some times in Projects or Applications, there will be a requirement to generate a Random Number for this we can use the following code.
Random rand = new Random();
// Random integers
int i = rand.nextInt();
// Continually call nextInt() for more random integers
// Random integers ranging from from 0 to n
int n = 10;
i = rand.nextInt(n+1);
// Random bytes
byte[] bytes = new byte[5];
// Other primitive types
boolean b = rand.nextBoolean();
long l = rand.nextLong();
float f = rand.nextFloat(); // 0.0 <= f < 1.0
double d = rand.nextDouble(); // 0.0 <= d < 1.0
// Create two random number generators with same seed
long seed = rand.nextLong();
rand = new Random(seed);
Random rand2 = new Random(seed);
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